Friday, October 11, 2013

Movie Review: Assault of the Sasquatch

I'm taking part in the Reddit October Horror Movie Challenge and as part of that, there is a checklist of various types of movies to watch. I wanted to try something different for the Sasquatch. Thus, I looked on Netflix and found Assault of the Sasquatch. Wow, I was pleasantly surprised by this!

It's a cheap movie, I'm not going to lie. Some of the graphics are cheesy, and the acting isn't stellar. There are a lot of gorey death scenes (Sasquatch rams his fist through someone's head and it's spectacular!). Yet keeping in mind that it's a low-budget movie, I think it did very well for what it was given. They did an interesting thing where they used CGI to manipulate Sasquatch's face so it looks as if it's movie and not just a mask, which I thought was perfect! You look at the body and it looks like rubber, yet the face looks close to real.

They threw in some comedy with Don and Murphy, a duo who are members of the Sasquatch Society and spend most of the movie in the background trying to get film footage of Sasquatch. The dole out fast dialogue between each other with Don, who is obese, claiming he is God's gift to women and wished they would realize it.

One thing that was a neat touch was adding in flashbacks to something completely unrelated to Sasquatch to give reason why two characters should have a lot of tension between each other. It worked and wasn't too annoying a deviation.

The main thing I didn't enjoy was how fuzzy/dark the film quality was. They used color highlights a lot of the time which distracted me from time to time.

Overall, if you go in expecting a cheesy movie, you will be pleasantly surprised with it not being ALL that horrible.

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